Creativity Hack #4
Do the Work
As it says, you must practice. Just as if you are to be good at playing a musical instrument, you have to practice, the same is for art. Do something daily. Easy said when you need to cook, exercise, sleep and everything else that is there in a day to be done. However it is a requirement for improving your skills and observation skills.
Carry a sketch book with you and sketch at lunch. Take a walk, stop for ten minutes and sketch what you see around you. Do this every day at work or at home. In a few short weeks you will have a book full of sketches that show improvement and a record of what you have seen.
ProCreate makes a version for iPhones call Procreate Pocket. Use your finger or a stylus to draw images. Adobe also has an app: Adobe Fresco that is similar but a bit more clunky to use.
Make doing art daily a habit and an easy part of your life. Have no barriers to doing something. This way you stay in shape and when the time comes, you can turn on the creativity tap full force.