Summer Flowers
Claret Cup Hedgehog Cactus
Gardening for me is a creative outlet. I love the garden centers in the spring and summer when they are full of flowers and perhaps plants that are new to you. I can wander the aisles at Home Depot or the local feed store looking at plants. Purchasing them and getting them in the ground is a bonus.
I have planted my raised flower beds full of lettuce, onions, marigolds and zinnias. It’s been cool so things are slow to grown, but they are coming along. My blueberry bushes have a good batch of berries. I did have to add some fertilizer for acid loving plants. They bloomed and have set a lot of berries.
Working with raised beds, I have learned a bit. They are warmer than the ground, require constant watering and the maintenance of the soil. the previous owners had not added compost to the soil in several years, hence poor blueberry production last year.
The same goes for flower pots that you may have perennials planted in; they need regular addition of fresh soil, worm castings and a bit of compost to keep the plants healthy.
My time in Santa Fe left me with a love for the claret cup hedgehog cactus. I purchased one at a local nursery last summer. Happy in its pot, it is now sprout about six arms and several lovely red blossoms. Cactus too, need to be watered regularly and fed consistently. They will reward you with blossoms that steal the show!