September is Really the Beginning of the New Year

Every year I write something like this and I will continue to, if for nothing else other than a reminder! September was the beginning of the school year for me and no doubt for many of you too. New teachers, classes, school supplies, seeing old friends and gaining a few new ones. It was a fun time of fresh starts. The changing of the season from the hot summer to fall of crisp mornings is one that infuses the spirit with all kinds of possibilities.

This is the time of year that I do my goal planning for the upcoming calendar year. I look back on what I wrote for this year. Chemo started in November last year and I wrote most of my goals for 2024 at that time. September last year all I knew was that a biopsy had found precancerous cells, not the stage 3 that pathology showed post surgery. Now I am facing most likely more chemo, maybe a clinical trial with a new drug, and maybe radiation. With all those unknowns how does one plan and dream?

Dreaming and planning is what I am doing. At some point I will be declared NED (No Evidence of Disease) and turned loose from care at the cancer center. In between now and then I have lots to do. Classes to teach, retreats to make happen and trips to take. Not to mention art to create and projects to complete. How much I can do will vary from day to day depending on treatment. Being slowed down just means things will take longer to happen, but happen they will.

So, all that about me, what about you? Are you making plans for an adventure, an art workshop, just getting out of town to some place new and seeing new things? Time to get on it, no more waiting for tomorrow to happen.


Making Dreams Happen


Keeping an Art Journal