Planning on Health While Traveling
Carry on with health snacks.
You all know I am keen on staying healthy. I have had my fourth booster for Covid, not sure what good it will do but it’s worth a try. I will be taking my zinc with me along with quercetin and NAC. Yes, I know there is not much real evidence that they may be effective in preventing Covid, but the placebo effect is strong!
For the first time I will be wearing compression socks on the flight over. I have been told by many physical therapists that it is a very good thing to do. Not being a fan of getting anything that will slow me down, especially a deep vein blood clot, I will wear my socks. I went with Smart wool, mainly because I have found my feet are most happiest in wool socks vs synthetic.
Snacks! I am not a big fan of airplane food. You can request special meals if you wish on long haul flights. I have found this to be hit and miss. Depends on the airlines, where you are flying out of and going to. I do wish all airlines would post menus ahead of time and allow us to choose what we want when they do serve meals.
What snacks will I take? The LivBars that I reviewed last month are in the bag. Mixed nuts in a reusable silicon bag, chocolate (85%) for sure, and maybe some Chomp meat sticks.
My empty water bottle will travel with me. I have always traveled with a water bottle. I was the weird one in London in the 1980s carrying my bottle with me. Water fountains are not the easiest things to find, even in the US. I have a new Hydroflask light weight bottle, covered with my stickers (insert husband rolling eyes at this, at least I know it’s mine!) that will accompany me on this trip.
Sleep, ugh! That is the hardest thing for me to do on the airplane. I have purchased a pillow that goes around the neck. I have resisted for years but figured I’d give it a try this time. As part of my hormone replacement therapy that I do, I take progesterone at night. It tends to knock me out for several hours. I’ll add about 3 mg of melatonin to the mix and I should sleep for several hours.
Past experience has shown me that I do well going east. A couple of early nights and I am on the time zone. Coming home is another story. It always takes me about a week to get back to my normal time zone. Either direction, spending as much time outdoors is key. Sun exposure helps reset the internal clock.