Mirror Pond at Drake Park in Bend, Oregon
November flew by and now it’s December, time for the holidays and a New Year! I enjoy this time of year for the festivities, decorations and especially the lights that twinkle at night. I usually do goal setting starting in September but it has been rather difficult to look beyond the next month or so. However, this December I am feeling optimistic about my life and what I want to do. How are you feeling? Ignore politics, turn off the news and look at yourself. What do you want to accomplish in 2025? Do you want to make a difference in someone’s life? Help your community? Make new friends? Think on it and then start making it work.
I need more friends and to get outside even more than I already do. Maybe I will join a hiking group, or get back into the groove I had in September of going to the gym regularly. I still have big dreams that I am sure I will manage to make them into reality. It just takes time. But before I can implement any of this, I have to complete this round of chemo. The drug I am on is dragging me down. Needless to say I am praying that the January doctor visit will be the end of this treatment!