Illness is a Leech

Checking in on people who are ill. They may not be able to respond, but continue to check on them.  Chemo sucks the energy from you like a leech. Someone going through chemo or radiation will have days and weeks of no energy. They want to respond but lack the energy to take action. Seeing people is huge and a relief but taking action is difficult. Being pro-active is best and don’t feel bad if you hear nothing, keep checking in.

At my initial radiation consultation, the doctor and her nurse both asked me about my support network. My support network is wide spread. I feel so blessed to have had many of you all reach out to me and many others who have also. It is amazing to know that you all are thinking of me and tell me so via email, Instagram or Facebook. Thank you!!!

If you are ill, do tell your support network. It is ok to ask for help. Have the grace to receive the caring and concern. It is a gift that you care to receive the gift from the giver.


The Clutter Mutterer’s Advice Column by Mitch Luckett


Art Materials - Watercolors