Buying Nothing Year
I thought I would have a buy no clothes/things year this year. So far I have not been able to make that happen. New shorts, a new shirt and hip pack are the new things. Maybe I can make it the rest of the year with nothing else new, especially clothing wise. Garden plants are exempt from this game. I like my summer flowers.
Have you ever done an entire year of buying no new clothes, things or what ever goal you set for yourself? I have done it in the past and feel that it is time to try it again.
Going hand in hand with a buy nothing year is clearing out stuff. I really do like the Swedish Death Cleaning meme. It sounds dark but in reality you are cleaning out your stuff so that when you have died no one else has to deal with all your stuff. Just getting going on it is the hard part and schlepping all the bags of stuff to donation.
My dilemma is what to do with it all? Donation is on for a lot of it. Then there are those things that you are happy to re-home but you know they have some value. Facebook Market Place, Craig’s List or the local clothing consignment shop are good places to start. Check and see if there is any value in the items. Some things are best listed for free just to get them out of your house. I have a large crock pot that will go on Facebook Market Place for free as there are so many there for $20.
It’s been four years since we moved from Santa Fe to Bend, and the amount of stuff I have jettisoned is amazing and the amount still go is mind boggling! Where does it all come from? Simplifying is also on deck. Buying nothing, selling stuff and simplifying all key things to make life a little bit better.