Paint Brushes

For Christmas it was time for new paint brushes. You can spend a lot of money on really nice brushes. I doubt that they will improve your art work much. In contrast spending money on good paint and paper will pay off. While your skills will still be the same the pigment in good paint or art materials will show as will the joy of working on good paper or surfaces.

If you are unsure of what kind of brushes or any type of tool really to get, experiment. Some things like scissors and paper cutters, buying at the upper end of things is a good choice. Fountain pens, brushes, middle of the road will provide very good results.

The brushes in the photo I buy from David Becker. He is a watercolor/acrylic artist and taught at the last Artisan’s Art Expo in 2019. (I am eagerly waiting for 2025 when it will return to Santa Fe!) His brushes are middle of the road, synthetic bristle (no animal fur) and hold up fairly well. They hold a decent amount of water and pigment. Flexible enough for my needs.

You can see the older brushes I have used almost continuously for the last four years. Wear at the tips is visible. Use your brushes and then replace them as they wear out.


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